3 . be to blame for sth 对某事应负责任。如: You are not to blame for what happened. 对所发生的事不应该由你负责。 Which driver was to blame for the accident? 那个司机应该对事故负责? Who is to blame for starting the fire? 火灾的引起应该由谁来负责?
If you listened to a recording of yourself, you’d probably be surprised (and probably horrified) at the amount of “umming” you do. 如果你听一下你自己的录音,你可能会非常吃惊(甚至被吓到)你说了这么多“嗯…”。 Unfortunately, this makes you look les...
2013年的完型文章难度适中,无论原文还是选项基本都是以常词为主。文章选自《经济学人》中的一篇题为A question of judgment的文章,逻辑性很强。 文章首句就明确给出了整篇文章的中心主线—People are, on the whole, poor at considering background 。文章结构往往采...
and the terrible feeling of having no one around 12 to blame everything. Wisdom warns that the pasture will never be greener, there are children, the diffcult choice must be made for them, too: 13 it will be worse for them to grow up as witnesses t...
最近的股市行情真是一片大好啊!听朋友说,只要是年初买股票的人,都或多或少地赚了一笔。不过,股市瞬息万变,大家可一定要保持警惕,注意股市的风吹草动哦。 保持警惕有很多表达方式,我们今天要说一个形象的说法,叫“keep your ear to the ground”。单看其字面意“把耳朵...
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